Young And The Restless Scoop May 30: Tucker Has A Suspicious Encounter With Alan In Paris – Jack Chooses Diane Over Nikki – Audra Is Done

Young And The Restless: Alan looks at Tucker like he doesn't know him

Young And The Restless: Alan looks at Tucker like he doesn't know him

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Thursday, May 30 reveals Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson) will insist she met with Alan Laurent (Christopher Cousins) after her breakup with Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John).

Also coming up, Diane Jenkins (Susan Walters) will force Jack Abbott’s (Peter Bergman) hand. Plus, Audra Charles (Zuleyka Silver) is done. And Tucker will have an unexpected run-in on the streets of Paris.

Y&R spoilers tease Diane will say the more she thinks about Jack remaining as Nikki Newman’s (Melody Thomas Scott) sponsor, the more she’s against it. “I’ve made a decision,” she’ll say. “I can’t take this anymore. I’m done.” Jack will say it seems like she’s done with their marriage, but she can’t mean that.

“Maybe this is what it has to come to,” she’ll reply. “You don’t seem to care about my feelings in any of this.” She’ll say she tried to understand why it was so important to him, but it’s been tearing her up inside. “You swore you wouldn’t be tempted to use the first time you became Nikki’s sponsor,” Diane will point out.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Jack And Diane Hug After His Change Of Heart

So, Jack will ask what they do now. “I’m going to give you some time to think about this, to let it all sink in,” Diane will reply and storm out. Jack will follow her to Chancellor Park and say they have to work this out. But Nikki will text him, asking to meet, and Diane will freak out.

Y&R Scoop: Jack and Diane embrace

“You are not the only option for her Jack, even Victor thought you were a terrible sponsor for her,” she’ll tell her husband. Then Diane will say she’s drawing a line in the sand. “I love you and this is breaking my heart,” she’ll add. “But I need to walk away from you.”

Jack will tell her he’s not going to let her walk away. And Diane will say she doesn’t want to, she just doesn’t know what else to do. “Nikki will have to find herself another sponsor,” Jack will say, and they’ll embrace.

Back at the Abbott estate, Claire Grace (Hayley Erin) will arrive, to look after Harrison Locke (Redding Munsell). Summer Newman (Allison Lanier) will remain nervous about their new choice of nanny, but Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor) will try to soothe her fears.

In Paris, Tucker will knock on Audra’s hotel room door. “What the hell are you doing here, Tucker?” she’ll ask him. He’ll tell her Glissade is his. “You think you can just waltz on in here and take it away from me?” He’ll ask her how they ended up here. “I was ready to commit my entire life to you…I still am,” he’ll say. “Why are you doing this?”

Audra will say he chose everyone else over her. “I fell for the oldest lie in the book that I could change you, but you will never change,” she’ll add. “And I will never let myself believe you again.” Then she’ll kick him out of her room.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Ashley’s Sure She Met Up With Alan

Meanwhile, Ashley, Alan and Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland) will arrive at her Paris apartment. Ashley will go freshen up, but the voices in her head will start. “We need to get out of here before it’s too late,” they’ll tell her. “Get out of here now, while you still can.”

Y&R Scoop: Ashley recalls meeting Alan after her fight with Tucker

Alan will tell Traci he’s hoping to get at the root of what caused Ashley to split off into different personalities. “It all hinges on whether or not Ashley can suppress her alters.” Then she’ll walk into the living room and Alan will head to his apartment, saying he’ll be back soon.

On the streets of Paris, Tucker will take a walk and bump into Alan. He’ll say hello and ask Alan how he’s doing. But Alan will look at Tucker as if he doesn’t even know him. And Tucker will be bewildered, as the therapist walks away. Could he be Alan’s twin or doppelganger?

Traci will tell her she should get some sleep but Ashley will say she’s afraid to. She hears the voices in her head and she’s thinks they’re trying to take over. Ashley will admit to Traci she’s putting all her faith in Alan and hopes she doesn’t let him down.

Alan will return to Ashley’s apartment and she’ll ask him how she’s supposed to remember things. “Do you have any idea of where you went or what you did?” Alan will ask. “Your mind’s been blocking this out, that’s why it’s so important that we do this.”

Finally, Ashley will tell Alan she went for a walk after her fight with Tucker. Then she met with him. “I remember it specifically, because you said you would meet me after your last session.” But Alan will say it’s not possible, he was in Florence the first week of September. But is Alan lying?

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